Professional video recording

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Sweet moments to remember. Save the best moments for the baby’s first birthday party, marriage ceremony, parents’ golden wedding, and other events. Our team’s video services will help with this!

Video footage from We will implement any ideas

Our stylish and cozy photo studio is located in the center of Riga and is equipped with modern equipment and props. We shoot bright, interesting videos. We film the events. operators will save the holiday, master class, presentation, and concert on video, and edit a meaningful and interesting film.

You can order video filming from us:

  • Advertisements. A special visualization of goods or services increases brand awareness and positively affects business.
  • Conferences and seminars. This is a good form of progress report. And also – a presentation of valuable personal experience that will surely interest other people.
  • Presentations. Videos posted on the Internet about new products and services will attract new customers and additional income.
  • Concert events. High-quality video filming of concerts conveys the energy of the performance. The work of our operators will immerse you in the atmosphere of the event.
  • Fashion shows. Our cameramen will shoot and edit a video film that reflects the special atmosphere of these events, choosing the best angles and points for shooting.
  • Wedding celebration. Wedding videography is the perfect way to capture the events of one of the best days of your life forever. Get a cameraman at your wedding for fun instead of looking through a cell phone.
  • Sports competitions. Thanks to these videos, you will remember your achievements in sports!
  • Family, company celebration, or event. operators will document the best meeting moments of family members, friends, classmates, and employees.

Order a video shoot

Do you have a holiday or an important business event coming up? Call us to find out the cost of services and order professional video filming. We will create a vivid picture for you. Videos from our cameramen and editors will make a great gift or sales tool.

Apply for

Gift Cards — A Photo Session as a Gift


E-gift card for photo shoot is a simple and quick way how to delight close to you person.

Gift Cards — A Photo Session as a Gift

buy a gift card

For an easy purchase, we will redirect you to – it’s the same reliable service from the team, just on a different website of ours!
